Friday, March 27, 2009

Raising funds for charities online

by Shoshana Yossef
Traditionally, charities and non-profits have raised funds from private donors, personal solicitations, telemarketing and door-to-door leafleting. All of these have been successful methods, but return on investment has been hard to quantify.

With the advent of Internet, larger organizations quickly realized they needed a website in order to have a virtual calling card and a place to keep the public up to date with their activities. But what about fund-raising?

National disasters and tragic events were the trigger for a few brave non-profits to try out some Internet marketing activities. Soon they came to realize that within a few minutes of promoting themselves online, hundreds of thousands of dollars were coming in via online credit card donations.

So what works online and how?
- Banner ads and Text ads on newsites: good for branding and keeping an organization's name top-of-mind
- Email lists and Advertorials: good for explaining activities, promotional devices (eg. raffles and auctions), and straight forward appeals
- Pay-Per-Click: good for seasonal promotions (eg. charity cards), and tactical advertising (eg. national disasters)
- Social Media Marketing: good for personal contacts and communicating news to PRs and the public

But don't take my word for it. The J Media Group works with all the major Jewish and Israeli non-profits and every single one could give you a success story. Here is one example:

"I just wanted to let you know that we at as well as all the people involved in the Breast cancer Stamp how much we appreciate all that you have done for us.
The campaign is not even over and as far as bringing people to the site has far surpassed our expectations. You definitely delivered tens of thousands of the on-line Jewish audience."

Ernie Bodai,M.D., F.A.C.S
Director Of Breast Health Center

Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Sacramento California

Call up anyone from these organizations for their opinion: Magen David Adom, Meir Panim, Yad Sarah, Yad Eliezer, Zaka, Chai Lifeline, Sharei Tsedek Hospital and many more.

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